About Us
Besides providing a place to operate (play with) trains, UMRR has had as one of its goals to provide training and educational experiences for both young and old, beginner or experienced regarding the history of railroading in the northeast and the importance of railroads in our lives, from the early 1900’s to present day. Members are always available during our meetings to teach visitors about the building and operation of model railroads and the rewards of this hobby.
In 2015 the club assisted the World Awareness Children’s Museum in setting up an Orient Express layout and train exhibits for their recent exhibit “Cars, Trains and Things that Go.” We also constructed an HO scale layout for the residents at the Westmount Nursing Home (Warren Centers) in Queensbury and put on a “mini” train show for the folks at the Washington Center in Argyle. The club has also participated in downtown Glens Falls activities by hosting Open Houses at no cost to the public as well as setting up toy and model train layouts at local schools and train shows.
You don't need to be talented in any area of model railroading to join the club because part of our purpose and function is to provide instruction in various modeling techniques. We have meetings each Wednesday night from 7:00 to 9:00 PM. The club's business meetings take place on the first Wednesday of each month from 7:00 to 8:00 PM. These meetings are not open to the public.
Those interested in joining the club are encourage to do so. Club dues are currently $200/year for regular membership, $400 for an all access membership which includes keys to our club rooms for anytime availability, and a $50 junior membership for ages 12 - 16. Please use the Feedback link to receive an application via email.
Our organization’s mission is to own, operate and maintain model railroad layouts at a suitable location in the Glens Falls area set up displays in Glens Falls and surrounding communities in Warren, Washington and Saratoga Counties. These events will be designed to educate the public and our members regarding the history of railroading in the United States, particularly in the Northeast, and the service and benefits railroads have provided to our economy from the early 1900's to present.
The club will also strive to teach adults and children how to set up model train layouts and scenic dioramas depicting prototype railroad operations by bringing modular railroad layouts to schools, civic events and celebrations, and by setting up train layouts for display at local malls,hotels,museums .With the exception of our annual fundraising train show, all events put on by our club are at no charge to the public although we appreciate donations,
Upstate Model Railroaders, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization recognized by the Internal Revenue Service. If you feel so moved, tax-deductable donations are always helpful and greatly appreciated.6
Besides providing a place to operate (play with) trains, UMRR has had as one of its goals to provide training and educational experiences for both young and old, beginner or experienced regarding the history of railroading in the northeast and the importance of railroads in our lives, from the early 1900’s to present day. Members are always available during our meetings to teach visitors about the building and operation of model railroads and the rewards of this hobby.
In 2015 the club assisted the World Awareness Children’s Museum in setting up an Orient Express layout and train exhibits for their recent exhibit “Cars, Trains and Things that Go.” We also constructed an HO scale layout for the residents at the Westmount Nursing Home (Warren Centers) in Queensbury and put on a “mini” train show for the folks at the Washington Center in Argyle. The club has also participated in downtown Glens Falls activities by hosting Open Houses at no cost to the public as well as setting up toy and model train layouts at local schools and train shows.
You don't need to be talented in any area of model railroading to join the club because part of our purpose and function is to provide instruction in various modeling techniques. We have meetings each Wednesday night from 7:00 to 9:00 PM. The club's business meetings take place on the first Wednesday of each month from 7:00 to 8:00 PM. These meetings are not open to the public.
Those interested in joining the club are encourage to do so. Club dues are currently $200/year for regular membership, $400 for an all access membership which includes keys to our club rooms for anytime availability, and a $50 junior membership for ages 12 - 16. Please use the Feedback link to receive an application via email.
Our organization’s mission is to own, operate and maintain model railroad layouts at a suitable location in the Glens Falls area set up displays in Glens Falls and surrounding communities in Warren, Washington and Saratoga Counties. These events will be designed to educate the public and our members regarding the history of railroading in the United States, particularly in the Northeast, and the service and benefits railroads have provided to our economy from the early 1900's to present.
The club will also strive to teach adults and children how to set up model train layouts and scenic dioramas depicting prototype railroad operations by bringing modular railroad layouts to schools, civic events and celebrations, and by setting up train layouts for display at local malls,hotels,museums .With the exception of our annual fundraising train show, all events put on by our club are at no charge to the public although we appreciate donations,
Upstate Model Railroaders, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization recognized by the Internal Revenue Service. If you feel so moved, tax-deductable donations are always helpful and greatly appreciated.6